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The Registry is a powerful tool that advances care and empowers the profession.
The APTA Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry is physical therapy's response to the ever-growing need for data to inform and improve patient care.
This innovative by-the-profession, for-the-profession system bridges technological gaps, connects providers with sought-after outcomes data, helps make EHR vendors more effective, and advances physical therapy. It was created from a deep knowledge of the profession and is guided by experts who understand the needs of payers, EHR vendors, the research community, and individual PTs.
Regardless of your role in gathering or using patient data, the Registry empowers you to become even better at what you do.
Benefits of the Registry
Improve outcomes and maximize payment: PTs, EHR vendors, patients, and the profession benefit from the Registry's ability to leverage data in ways that impact operations.
MIPS Measures That Matter
The Registry makes MIPS reporting seamless and secure, using outcomes data from your EHR system.
Outcomes Instruments
The Registry uses data from commonly used tests an measures approved by CMS and allows you to benchmark outcomes against your peers.
Participating EHR Vendors
Your EHR vendor already may be included in the growing list of systems integrated with the Registry.
EHR Systems Integration
The Registry connects with your EHR system to seamlessly and securely transfer data to a HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based database.