Christine M. McDonough, PT, PhD (Director)
Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Department of Physical Therapy
Pittsburgh, PA
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The Registry's Scientific Advisory Panel comprises research scientists, front-line clinicians and managers, and administrators from the physical therapy business community.
The panel provides direction to the Registry on matters of scientific integrity, clinical application, quality, public policy, and research.
In carrying out its mission, the panel ensures that the Registry meets its goals to inform payment for physical therapist services, improve practice, fulfill quality-reporting requirements, and promote research. The panel also contributes to and provides oversight for the Registry's research agenda, data management and analysis strategies, clinical application and utility of the Registry, addition of content areas, and scholarly publications. The panel collaborates with Registry staff and APTA leadership on the strategic plan, operations, and business development aspects of the Registry to ensure a meaningful and sustainable registry of data from the profession, for the profession.

Linda Arslanian, PT, DPT, MS
Executive Director of Rehabilitation Services (Retired)
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Gloucester, MA

Gerard Brennan, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Senior Clinical Research Scientist, Director of Clinical Quality and Outcomes Research (Retired)
Intermountain Healthcare, Rehabilitation Services
Salt Lake City, UT

Chris Hoekstra, PT, DPT
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
Director, Knowledge Management
Therapeutic Associates, Inc.
Tigard, OR

Janet Freburger, PT, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
School of Health Sciences and Rehabilitation Sciences
Department of Physical Therapy
Pittsburgh, PA

Jeff Houck, PT, PhD
Director of Research, Professor of Research
School of Physical Therapy
George Fox University
Newberg, OR

Natalie Leland, OT, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Special Consultant

James Irrgang, PT, ATC, PhD, FAPTA
Professor and Vice Chair of Clinical Outcomes Research
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Assistant Dean for Medical Student Research
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA

Philip van der Wees, PT, PhD
Senior Researcher, Scientific Center for Quality of Healthcare
Radboud Institute for Health Sciences
Radboud University Medical Center
The Netherlands